Music: Jason Mraz - You and I both
Mood: wondering....
...about many things, like:
*where did my pop up blocker go?
*what does the song Pride (in the name of love) by U2 mean?
*is there anything that we can be prideful of? except Christ, of course yet even then, its not anything of ourselves.
*does that song mean that Bono understands depravity?
*do i?
*why people look so different from the side compared to how they look straight forward (sorry, i was pretty distracted today in calculus when i talked face to face with a girl who i had only seen from the side all semester. i must have looked pretty they really expect me to pay attention and try to learn conics when much more important things are to be pondered...who needs conics?? not nurses, not mothers, not me!)
*am i going to get into nursing school?
*am i going to get married ever?
*why can't it be tomorrow? (im so horribly impatient...)
*when am i going to move out of here? i think a roommate deleted the pop-up blocker....>:\
*why has God chosen that so many times when my sister is entrusted with things of high value (like a car), something bad happens to it, and rarely with me?
*why God has given us thoughts...such capability and yet minds are so defiled...such things can go on in our heads without anyone knowing...its so easy to hide our sins from men..."For the word of God [is] quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and [is] a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." Hebrews 4:12
*i wonder other things too, and if they will ever surface or just be a memory...